WGRLS is accepting proposals for Book Relocation Services for Douglas County Public Library until 3/7


Summer Reading Program 2025

Have fun with Summer Reading in 2025!

Color your world this summer at your WGRLS library! Visit any of our locations to sign up or join us through Beanstack, and let the fun begin!

5/27/2025: Registration begins REGION WIDE

6/1/2025: Summer Reading begins REGION WIDE

7/31/2025: Summer Reading end REGION WIDE

8/8/2025 @ 10 AM; Live Facebook Drawing for our region-wide age group prize winners.

Completed your summer reading program?

Completed the Summer Reading Program? Check out these resources to keep your reading going all year long!

*Anyone is welcome to participate, but in order to qualify for prizes, make sure and register for summer reading at your local library!

Looking to track more reading?

Download our bonus logs!

  • Color a picture and give it to someone in your family!

  • Adults, connect with your little one through a series of mindfulness activities, fun stretches, and relationship- building partner poses. Learn skills to cultivate mindful practices and make a calming glitter Mindfulness Jar to take the practice home with you. Ideal for ages 1-6

  • Read a book from the Readers Advisory SRP Picture Book List

  • Draw a portrait of you with your friends

  • Read a book about community helpers. Talk about what makes a good community and how we can become community helpers to make our communities better.

  • Make artwork or cards for local nursing homes or long-term care facility.

  • Paint kindness rocks and place them in your favorite places in your community for others to find and enjoy.

  • Go to a Bilingual Storytime or check out a Bilingual Picture Book to learn some new words in a different language.
  • Write a story or draw a comic about your group of friends. Go on an epic adventure, be the superheroes you always wanted to be, or it could just be your normal Tuesday

  • Make charms for your friendship bracelet. Each charm could represent a different friend and can be made out of any materials.

  • Read a book from the Readers Advisory SRP Picture or Chapter Book List

  • Create a Spatial Poem of your neighborhood or city using the PLiX Spatial Poetry activity found here

  • Read a book about community helpers. Talk about what makes a good community and how we can become community helpers to make our communities better

  • Make artwork or cards for local nursing homes or long-term care facility.

  • Paint kindness rocks and place them in your favorite places in your community for others to find and enjoy.

  • Draw a portrait of you with your friends, try it in different art styles

  • Celebrate Uncommon Musical Instrument Day by watching videos about musical instruments you haven’t heard play and listen to their beautiful music.

  • Make origami art or bookmarks
  • Write letters to your favorite author and ask them about the characters in their books.

  • Start a journal and write about what your life is currently like!

  • Check out a table-top gaming night at a local game shop or your local library

  • Read a book from the Readers Advisory SRP Chapter or YA Book List

  • Buddy Read a book with a friend

  • Write an email or letter to your local government or congress person to advocate for a cause that is important to you.

  • Create a Spatial Poem of your neighborhood or city using the PLiX Spatial Poetry activity found here

  • Paint kindness rocks and place them in your favorite places in your community for others to find and enjoy.

  • Join the Teen Advisory Group at your local library, if they have one.

  • Join a Community Service Project
  • Make origami art or bookmarks
  • Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Who knows, you might make a new friend!

  • Join a group in your community. Like Friends of the Library!

  • Find a recipe and learn how to make a dish from a culture different from yours. Consider making it a friends night in, everyone bring a dish from a different culture and have a culture night.

  • Read a book from the Readers Advisory SRP YA or Adult Book List

  • Buddy Read a book with a friend

  • Get a book recommendation from a librarian and check that book out. Write a review for it on Beanstack or submit it to your local library

  • Create a Spatial Poem of your neighborhood or city using the PLiX Spatial Poetry activity found here

  • Paint kindness rocks and place them in your favorite places in your community for others to find and enjoy.

  • Join a Community Service Project

  • Make origami art or bookmarks

  • Participate in World Knit in Public Day on June 10, 2023 and make new hobby friends.


Chess Club

Villa Rica Public Library 869 Dallas Highway, Villa Rica, GA, United States

Learn to play or just meet some new chess friends at our weekly chess club. This is a great activity for the whole family

Sewing Basics w/ Victoria

Carrollton - Neva Lomason Memorial Library 710 Rome Street, Carrollton, GA, United States

Registration Required, call or swing by to reserve your spot. Age limit 11+ Learn to sew by hand, we will be doing an easy project and make our own cord […]

Chess Club

Villa Rica Public Library 869 Dallas Highway, Villa Rica, GA, United States

Learn to play or just meet some new chess friends at our weekly chess club. This is a great activity for the whole family

Secret Garden Club

Lithia Springs Public Library 7100 Turner Drive, Lithia Springs, GA, United States

Decorate a wooden box or egg for a pretty Easter arrangement.

Bits & Masterpieces: CD Flower Painting

Lithia Springs Public Library 7100 Turner Drive, Lithia Springs, GA, United States

(Ages 4+) Join us for some fun flower painting on CDs.

Chess Club

Villa Rica Public Library 869 Dallas Highway, Villa Rica, GA, United States

Learn to play or just meet some new chess friends at our weekly chess club. This is a great activity for the whole family

Afterschool Craft Club

Dog River Public Library 6100 GA Highway 5, Douglasville, GA, United States

Join us for afterschool craft club! This is open for children of all ages to come, relax, and get creative after the school day.

Meet the artist day

Centralhatchee Public Library 171 Notnomis Rd, Franklin, GA, United States

Local artists and art students are welcome to display and discuss their art

Chess Club

Villa Rica Public Library 869 Dallas Highway, Villa Rica, GA, United States

Learn to play or just meet some new chess friends at our weekly chess club. This is a great activity for the whole family

Secret Garden Club

Lithia Springs Public Library 7100 Turner Drive, Lithia Springs, GA, United States

Spring Planting - Help us plant annuals and new herbs in our library garden.

Participate Virtually with