WGRLS is accepting proposals for Book Relocation Services for Douglas County Public Library until 3/7


1000 Books Before Kindergarten

A simple and innovative approach to establishing strong early literacy skills

Numerous studies estimate that as many as one in five children have difficulties learning to read.  Reading has been associated as an early indicator of academic success.  Public formal education does not typically start until ages 5-6. Before then, parents and caregivers are the first education providers during the 0-5 early critical years.

The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is a simple one: Read any book to your child with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten! Learn more on their website by clicking the button below:

Interested in registering for this program?

Visit the children’s desk of your local library branch to get started.

Track your progress with Beanstack

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is now available as a Beanstack challenge!


Support West Georgia Regional Library System - 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten!

The West Georgia Regional Library System is continuously developing literacy backpacks for our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program participants and need your help to keep this program thriving!